PA Announcer spotlight - Jon Franklin - Duke University
I stumbled on to your page and enjoyed the reads. My name is Jon Franklin and I'm on the Announcing staff at Duke University for M/W Soccer, Wrestling, and Baseball (and whatever they want me to do). I started in announcing when I was 13 years old and and have been announcing for the past 22 years. I also announce locally for Fellowship Baptist Academy basketball and serve as FBA's Sports Information Director. I've announced virtually every team sport in HS/College athletics and have worked in some non-scholastic roles in pro wrestling (ring announcer) and in women's flat track roller derby.
I am about to undertake the national certification program with NASPAA (National Association of Sports Public Address Announcers) to help me score bigger gigs, but also have landed gigs with the ACC and NCAA.
Anyways, I just wanted to reach out and thank you for the blog and maybe we can have a dialogue in the realm of PA Announcing to help better ourselves and others behind the mic.
Jon Franklin
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