On April 16th the PA Announcer Group on Yahoo! celebrated it's 6th anniversary, the Group began in 2006 and now has close to 700 members! The roster consists of PA Announcers from all 4 major US sports plus Public Address Announcers the world over from youth sports up to and including collegiate venues. Minor League announcers, spring training pa announcers, NBA D-League and semi-pro public address announcers are well represented across our member body. Topics that are regularly discussed include 'pay rates', 'audio software and hardware', 'dealing with managers and coaches', the relationships between parents, fans, and league sponsors, along with school AD's, SID's and their marketing staff. Announcing techniques, "how-to's", music and stadium-arena decorum are also talked about every month. Members routinely discuss the challenges of pa announcing and they frequently exchange tips and helpful suggestions for people just getting started. We even had a thread on what sore throat remedy worked best! If you're a working PA Announcer or just thinking about getting into it, join today for the most comprehensive, informative, and enjoyable experience anywhere!
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