Friday, April 19, 2013

The Red Sox' new nighttime PA announcer teaches history by day

HENRY MAHEGAN'S FIRST day as the new voice of Fenway Park began in Room 426 of Charlestown High School, in the long shadows of the history he teaches. Portraits of presidents line one wall; on another hangs a photograph of a young B.B. King. The 32-year-old Mahegan stood in front of them and his students, and he cleared his throat, and he talked in his deep, warm tenor about time and its passage: who and what brought us here, and why it's important that we remember the beginnings that gave us our middles and ends. But teenagers, even Boston teenagers, even kids who grew up around landmarks and monuments, can have a hard time seeing beyond the concerns of the present. One raised his hand. "Did you bring us Sox tickets?" he asked.  read full story here

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