Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reds' PA announcer Joe Zerhusen: My seat's tough to beat

Joe Zerhusen says he has the best seat at Great American Ball Park. It’s hard to disagree. The Reds’ public address announcer sits behind home plate in a booth with the official scorer, between the press box and Fox Sports Ohio’s TV perch. “I have a great view,” says Zerhusen, 58, a former Cincinnati radio DJ, program director and account executive.

Zerhusen was hired by the Reds when the stadium opened in 2003. Before that, his deep resonant voice was heard on WRRM-FM, WOFX-FM, WCKY-AM and WUBE-AM, and on the PA at University of Cincinnati football and basketball games (1997-2007). The 1973 Covington Catholic High School graduate grew up in Park Hills. He resides in Clermont County’s Union Township.

QUESTION: How did you get the Reds’ job?

read his answer and the rest of the story here

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